Unit 1 Course Catalogue
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the main senior secondary certificate in Victoria. It recognises successful completion of secondary education and provides a valuable pathway to tertiary study and employment.
A VCE program includes a number of different VCE studies (or subjects), with the majority consisting of four units that can be completed over the two years (a unit represents one semester or half a year of work). Units 1 and 2 are typically taken in Year 11, while Units 3 and 4 are usually completed in Year 12. Many schools provide the opportunity for students to study Units 1 and 2 of some VCE studies in Year 10 and Units 3 and 4 in Year 11.
While Units 3 and 4 must be taken as a sequence in a single year, Units 1 and 2 can be taken as single units that need not form a sequence and do not need to be continued into Units 3 and 4. Often students are advised to do the full four units of each study, acquiring foundational knowledge before progressing to Units 3 and 4.
On this page you can search our list of available Unit 1 Courses.