We strive to help all our students reach their dream ATAR!
TSFX is committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning methods to cater for all VCE students.
We are dedicated to providing the highest quality programs and publications to meet the ever changing demands of todays VCE students.
We are dedicated to providing the highest quality programs and publications to meet the ever changing demands of todays VCE students.
Established in 1992, TSFX is a leading Australian provider of high-quality educational courses, resources and services for VCE students. We offer exam revision programs, intense weekly tuition classes, study skills and exam strategy lectures as well as specialised courses that prepare students in advance of each semester.
Each program is developed and delivered by experienced, qualified teachers who are official VCAA exam markers – the people who mark your final VCE exams.
Each program is developed and delivered by experienced, qualified teachers who are official VCAA exam markers – the people who mark your final VCE exams.
Our online portal ATAR Central provides exclusive resources designed to help students prepare for their assessments and includes free notes, SACs, quizzes, exam questions, worksheets, pracs, A/A+ essays, projects and more.
Looking for that added edge? Our online bookshop offers exclusive exam revision booklets written by official VCE exam markers, English text analysis notes, exam questions by topic, unique exam papers and more!!
And don’t forget that we host Victoria’s most advanced ATAR calculator. Predict your ATAR, see what courses you could get into, and find out what study scores you need to achieve your ATAR goal.

Contact Details
03 9663 3311
Suite 101
Level 1, 964 Mt Alexander Road
Essendon, Vic, 3040
PO Box 15
Essendon North, Vic, 3041
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