VCE Head Start Lectures
Unit 1 Specialist Mathematics
Work through course materials ahead of school in a time-efficient and relatively painless way! Maximise your SAC marks and subject ranks. Reduce stress levels and study loads in Semester 1.
Work through course materials ahead of school in a time-efficient and relatively painless way! Maximise your SAC marks and subject ranks. Reduce stress levels and study loads in Semester 1.
What You'll Get
A+ Notes
You will receive the most comprehensive A+ notes available saving you countless hours in study time!
Elite VCE Teachers
To maximise your ATAR, we use qualified VCE teachers and VCE exam assessors (VCAA) – not unqualified uni students.
Maximise VCE Marks
TSFX offers a proven track history of unrivalled ATAR success. We get results, and can make a huge difference to your final marks.
Save Time
What may take you an hour to cover or understand can take an experienced VCE teacher just a few minutes to explain!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens During a Head Start Lecture?
When you attend our ‘VCE Summer School Head Start Lectures’:
- You will get valuable advice and instruction from leading VCE teachers who are current or recent VCE exam assessors, giving you an edge in the VCE.
- You will cover key Unit 1 or Unit 3 topics to an A+ standard in a relaxed, step-by-step manner. Emphasis will be placed on the more challenging concepts as well as the topics that will be the focus of your SACs.
- You will work through a large collection of strategically selected SAC and exam-style questions.
- You will learn how marks are awarded in the exams and the level of detail required to obtain full marks.
- You will clarify misconceptions that result in the loss of valuable marks in SACs and exams.
- You will discover how to recognise potential sources of error, as well as the tricks and traps that could appear in your SACs and exams.
- You will refine and extend on your ability to dissect and process analysis-style questions.
- You will learn new problem-solving and application skills.
- You will gain exposure to the applications typically used to determine which students receive the higher subject ranks and SAC marks.
- You will discover how to maximise your SAC marks.
Each subject course draws on the key knowledge and key skills outlined in the VCE Study Design. Detailed information regarding the topics that will be covered in each subject course can be found by following the link below:
Who Will Be Delivering the Summer School Head Start Lectures?
To ensure you secure every possible mark in your SACs and exams, our ‘Summer School Head Start Lectures’ are prepared and delivered by experienced VCE teachers who are current or recent VCE exam assessors (VCAA) – the very same teachers who will be marking your VCE exams!
Don’t be tempted by organisations that use university students as their lecturers. These students may have obtained
a high ATAR or study score, but this DOES NOT equip a recent VCE graduate with the knowledge that’s required to prepare students for their SACs and exams. As an example, a student who obtained a study score of 45 in Mathematical Methods only answered about 79% of Exam 2 correctly! Recent VCE graduates can’t teach you how and where marks are awarded, which terms or statements must be included in exam responses, and alternate answers that would also receive full marks. This information is restricted to VCE exam markers and can make a huge difference to your VCE marks.
Knowing how the exams are marked also gives VCE exam markers the ability to guide you through the exam preparation process in the quickest and most effective way. You’ll spend your time revising what really matters, and you can’t get that kind of guidance from recent high school graduates who have no teaching experience, and who don’t have access to the detailed insights our teachers provide.
TSFX really is the best choice to give you that important head-start into Unit 1 or Unit 3
Knowing how the exams are marked also gives VCE exam markers the ability to guide you through the exam preparation process in the quickest and most effective way. You’ll spend your time revising what really matters, and you can’t get that kind of guidance from recent high school graduates who have no teaching experience, and who don’t have access to the detailed insights our teachers provide.
TSFX really is the best choice to give you that important head-start into Unit 1 or Unit 3
What Will I Get When I Enrol?
- You will receive the highest quality instruction from experienced VCE teachers who are current or recent VCE exam markers (not unqualified university students).
- You will be taught by highly knowledgeable, passionate, committed and approachable teachers.
- You will experience engaging and interactive teaching that caters for different learning styles.
- You will receive detailed, comprehensive A+ notes that include clear and concise explanations, fully worked examples with step-by-step instructions and SAC/exam watch-outs – saving you countless hours in study time.
- You will be given a large collection of SAC and exam-style questions to further consolidate and extend on taught skills at home.
You will get unlimited, unrestricted 24/7 access to:
- Fully edited AV recordings of the live, face-to-face (in person) head start lectures until 30 June 2023. No other VCE program provider allows students to use their recorded lectures to prepare for, and to maximise their Unit 1 and/or Unit 3 SAC marks.
- Fully edited AV recordings of last year’s head start lectures to work through before the 2023 lectures, and to help with holiday homework completion. (Available in your enrolled subjects from 1 December 2022).
- A non-downloadable online copy of the 2023 lecture notes as soon as they become available.
In addition:
- You will learn the skills and information you’ll need to perform to a high standard in your SACs.
- You will receive key SAC and exam insights that only a VCE exam marker can provide. (Students taught by VCE exam assessors DO have an advantage over other students).
How Will These Lectures Benefit Me?
- You will work through key Unit 1 and/or Unit 3 topics ahead of school in a highly effective and relatively painless way!
- You will get a huge head start to Unit 1 and/or Unit 3. Your studies at school will become easier & homework will become simpler.
- You will save countless hours in study time (it’s much faster to have an experienced teacher take you through course materials than working through them on your own).
- You will ensure you have the correct skills and information in place so you can cope with the volume and difficulty of the course materials.
- While other students struggle to understand new concepts being presented in class, you’ll be hearing this information for the second time.
As a result:
and study loads across the year.
- Your SAC marks and subject ranks will also significantly improve, giving you that added advantage in the quest for the highest possible marks.
How Does TSFX Differ from Other VCE Course Providers?
Unfortunately, there are significant differences between the various VCE program providers, including variations in teaching philosophies and styles, how thoroughly subject materials are addressed, and the quality and quantity of notes that are given to students.
Difference #7:
We offer over 33 years experience in the VCE.
TSFX’s vast history of real-world experience in providing educational services to Year 11 and Year 12 students means that you can be confident that we have a genuine understanding of what’s required to obtain the highest ATAR results.
We’ve spent over 33 years analysing student concerns and the effects of study habits on academic performance, to create powerful programs that enable every student to reach their full academic potential. We’ve helped thousands of past students realise their ATAR goals and look forward to helping you achieve your personal best in the VCE.
Difference #8:
We offer a proven track history of unrivalled VCE success & can significantly boost your VCE marks.
TSFX offers a proven track history of unrivalled ATAR success. We get results, and can make a significant difference to your final marks.
The median ATAR for our 2023 Master Class students: 92.35
The median ATAR for our 2023 lecture students: 95.45
Our reputation for excellence is built on our long history of highly successful students, as well the exceptional quality of our teachers, programs and learning resources.
So how does TSFX differ from other VCE program providers?
Difference #1:
Difference #1:
We deliver the highest quality VCE programs in the state.
Testimonials from past students attest to the fact that TSFX is the pre-eminent VCE program provider in Victoria.
Irrespective of which program you choose to attend, you can be confident you’ll receive the same exceptional quality that is our trademark. At TSFX, we pride ourselves on the quality of our services, and year after year, we consistently deliver the finest and most comprehensive VCE programs available in Victoria. From our highly qualified and knowledgeable teachers, right through to our courses and notes, you can be assured that our exceptional level of quality is present in every aspect of TSFX.
Difference #2:
Irrespective of which program you choose to attend, you can be confident you’ll receive the same exceptional quality that is our trademark. At TSFX, we pride ourselves on the quality of our services, and year after year, we consistently deliver the finest and most comprehensive VCE programs available in Victoria. From our highly qualified and knowledgeable teachers, right through to our courses and notes, you can be assured that our exceptional level of quality is present in every aspect of TSFX.
Difference #2:
Our academic program is designed and delivered using a unique pedagogical model developed by TSFX that integrates the HITS professional learning program; a framework adopted by the International Baccalaureate program and the world’s leading universities.
Difference #3:
Our programs are usually longer & more thorough than other VCE courses.
Students need to be exposed to more than just simple overviews if they’re aiming for the highest possible marks. Our programs are therefore longer in duration, ensuring that you get the best instruction and value for your time and money, as well as the highest possible VCE marks.
Difference #4:
We employ experienced VCE teachers & VCE exam assessors (VCAA)(not uni students).
To ensure you receive every possible advantage in the VCE, our programs are prepared and delivered by hand-picked, qualified, experienced VCE teachers and VCE exam markers/assessors (VCAA) from top performing schools. Our teachers include authors of VCE textbooks, writers and markers of your VCE exams, as well as leading experts in their subject fields. Their wealth of experience is priceless.
Difference #5:
Our A+ subject notes far exceed the quality of notes issued by other VCE program providers.
TSFX is very highly regarded for the quality of our program materials – our students receive the most comprehensive and detailed A+ subject notes when they enrol into our lectures and weekly tuition classes.
Our exam preparation notes include every key concept that could be examined, as well as hundreds of examination-style questions that are not commercially available and frequently appear in the VCE exams! As an example, students who attended our recent Unit 3 Exam Revision Lectures received the following materials, saving them countless hours in exam preparation time:
Chemistry: Over 400 pages of notes and 320 exam-style questions.
Maths Methods: Over 400 pages of notes and 300 exam-style questions.
No other VCE program provider has been able to match the quality and depth of materials that are given to students who attend TSFX programs!
To ensure you receive every possible advantage in the VCE, our programs are prepared and delivered by hand-picked, qualified, experienced VCE teachers and VCE exam markers/assessors (VCAA) from top performing schools. Our teachers include authors of VCE textbooks, writers and markers of your VCE exams, as well as leading experts in their subject fields. Their wealth of experience is priceless.
Difference #5:
Our A+ subject notes far exceed the quality of notes issued by other VCE program providers.
TSFX is very highly regarded for the quality of our program materials – our students receive the most comprehensive and detailed A+ subject notes when they enrol into our lectures and weekly tuition classes.
Our exam preparation notes include every key concept that could be examined, as well as hundreds of examination-style questions that are not commercially available and frequently appear in the VCE exams! As an example, students who attended our recent Unit 3 Exam Revision Lectures received the following materials, saving them countless hours in exam preparation time:
Chemistry: Over 400 pages of notes and 320 exam-style questions.
Maths Methods: Over 400 pages of notes and 300 exam-style questions.
No other VCE program provider has been able to match the quality and depth of materials that are given to students who attend TSFX programs!
Difference #6:
We continually invest in our courses and materials to ensure our students receive every possible advantage in their VCE.
Our authors are required to update and improve our program materials on a yearly basis so that students attending our programs obtain the best possible instruction and resources that reflect the annual changes in examination marking and question trends.
To help make your exam preparations even easier, we also integrate the important applications and ideas from popular textbooks and study resources into our course materials.
No other VCE program provider has been able to match the quality and depth of materials that are given to students who attend TSFX programs.
We continually invest in our courses and materials to ensure our students receive every possible advantage in their VCE.
Our authors are required to update and improve our program materials on a yearly basis so that students attending our programs obtain the best possible instruction and resources that reflect the annual changes in examination marking and question trends.
To help make your exam preparations even easier, we also integrate the important applications and ideas from popular textbooks and study resources into our course materials.
No other VCE program provider has been able to match the quality and depth of materials that are given to students who attend TSFX programs.
Difference #7:
We offer over 33 years experience in the VCE.
TSFX’s vast history of real-world experience in providing educational services to Year 11 and Year 12 students means that you can be confident that we have a genuine understanding of what’s required to obtain the highest ATAR results.
We’ve spent over 33 years analysing student concerns and the effects of study habits on academic performance, to create powerful programs that enable every student to reach their full academic potential. We’ve helped thousands of past students realise their ATAR goals and look forward to helping you achieve your personal best in the VCE.
Difference #8:
We offer a proven track history of unrivalled VCE success & can significantly boost your VCE marks.
TSFX offers a proven track history of unrivalled ATAR success. We get results, and can make a significant difference to your final marks.
The median ATAR for our 2023 Master Class students: 92.35
The median ATAR for our 2023 lecture students: 95.45
Our reputation for excellence is built on our long history of highly successful students, as well the exceptional quality of our teachers, programs and learning resources.
Median ATAR in 2023
Achieved an ATAR of 99 or Above!
Achieved an ATAR of 95 or Above!
Achieved an ATAR of 90 or Above!
What Have Past Students Said About the VCE Head Start Lectures?
Real Testimonials from Real Students
Sacred Heart College, Geelong
“The program delivered everything that was promised and much, much more. Thank you TSFX for giving me an invaluable advantage over my peers.”
Bayside P-12 College
“Amazing lecture with amazing and well-experienced instructors. I'm so happy I was able to attend these lectures, they will definitely boost my ATAR.”
Caulfield Grammar School

Melbourne High School
The Mac.Robertson Girls High School
“Awesome lecture. Awesome lecturers. Awesome atmosphere. Thanks TSFX!”
McKinnon Secondary College
“This was an amazing lecture that filled me with confidence for the year to come. I feel very ready to attack stress that is thrown my way. Thanks.”